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Home arrow Papers arrow Gaydukova E.V. - Influence of Scenario Climatic Factors on Minimal River Runoff
Gaydukova E.V. - Influence of Scenario Climatic Factors on Minimal River Runoff PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Tuesday, 07 March 2017
The article investigates the influence of climatic factors such as norms of rain and temperature to the summer-autumn and winter 30-day minimum runoff. Characteristics of minimum runoff are used in sectors such as hydropower, biotechnology, water transport, agriculture, construction design, reclamation and fisheries. In connection with the ongoing climate change urgent problem of assessing the implications of these changes is becoming for the water-dependent industries. A scenario estimate of probability characteristics of minimum runoff from the basin of the Russian Federation to the climate change is made in the article. And anomalous zones of minimum runoff are identified for most of the expected climate scenarios.

It was found that most of the study area is located in favorable areas for the norm of minimum runoff. Zones of anomalies coincide for the summer-autumn and winter minimum runoff. These are part of the river basin of Ob, upper reaches of the rivers Yenisei and Lena, river basin of Indigirka. Zones of anomalies for coefficient of variation for the summer-autumn runoff extend, mainly in the upper reaches of the river Ob, upper and middle reaches of the rivers Lena and the Yenisei, river basin of Indigirka. The most dangerous areas of the coefficients of variation of winter runoff are upper reaches of the Ob, basins of Baikal, Indigirka and Kamchatka.

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Source: http://cyberleninka.ru/
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