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Home arrow Papers arrow Levachev S.N., Fedorova T.S. - Development of the Safety Monitoring System of Hydraulic Structures of the Moscow Canal
Levachev S.N., Fedorova T.S. - Development of the Safety Monitoring System of Hydraulic Structures of the Moscow Canal PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Thursday, 30 March 2017
The basis of the enterprise “Moscow Canal” in its present state is the canal Moscow Volga constructed in 1937. Today “Moscow Canal” is the biggest water transport and water industry complex. It has 10 filiations and solves a substantial complex of tasks. One of the most important part of hydraulic structures operation is their observation or monitoring of their safety, which gives us timely and adequate picture of their work and helps to forecast and prevent emergency situations.

The article is devoted to the development of the monitoring system of the waterworks of the Moscow canal beginning with the moment of its construction to the present time, the observation analysis of the condition of the walls of canal locks chambers, lock no. 2 where destructive processes in the operation of the walls were first discovered and different methods of liquidation of their development were made. The main problems in the field of monitoring of hydrotechnical structures of the Moscow canal are identified basing on the analysis of the observations.

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Source: http://cyberleninka.ru/
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