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Home arrow Papers arrow Perezhilin A.I., Berestov I.V., Rahimov K.H., Popova A.A. - Studying of Dissipation of Wave Energy Effect on the Water Reservoir Floating Wave Absorbers of Different Designs
Perezhilin A.I., Berestov I.V., Rahimov K.H., Popova A.A. - Studying of Dissipation of Wave Energy Effect on the Water Reservoir Floating Wave Absorbers of Different Designs PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Friday, 09 June 2017
The article presents the data to assess the abrasion processes observed during the formation of the reservoir banks. The necessity of reducing loading wind waves on the reservoir banks from floating wave absorbers was shown. Theoretical curves to determine the amount of wave action on floating wave absorber, taking into account the parameters wave of absorber and wave, extinction coefficient were established. Extinction coefficient wave is a value that indicates the ratio of wave heights up to and after of wave absorber, i.e. how many times the wave height decreases after passing wave absorber; may range from 0 (complete extinction occurs) to 1 (extinction does not occur). The results of experimental studies on the effectiveness of the models floating wave absorber different designs for reservoir conditions are given. 

Hard wave absorbers provide better extinction wave (extinction coefficient 0,2), but are bulky arrays and their use is associated with certain difficulties. Therefore, at the department of use water resources SibS-TU floating wave absorbers of cylindrical type and box-type, of floating wood on the water reservoirs have been developed. Extinction coefficient provided by anchored wave absorber cylindrical type is 0,6 and box-type is 0,5. Rigidly mounted wave absorber can increase the efficiency of energy dissipation of waves up to 50 %. Given the scope, accessibility, availability of labor and building materials, the use of designed floating wave absorber on reservoirs to protect the shore from erosion is most profitable, and will allow not only to reduce erosion but also to clear water area from floating wood pulps.

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