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Home arrow Papers arrow Chernyh O.N., Sabitov M.A., Altunin V.I. - Typical Methods of Environmental Restoration of Small Rivers of Moscow (on the Example Setun River)
Chernyh O.N., Sabitov M.A., Altunin V.I. - Typical Methods of Environmental Restoration of Small Rivers of Moscow (on the Example Setun River) PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Thursday, 03 August 2017
Existence of small rivers in the territory of large cities has been always connected with a great anthropogenic loading which undoubtedly leads to the violation of the natural state of rivers. It is stated that the Setun has a very high potential for fulfillment of recreational, ecological-educational, health improving functions. There is considered a question of development of a concept of watercourse rehabilitation. The valley of the river Setun is a unique object not only for recreation but it can be an ideal scientific polygon for assessment of the anthropogenic influence on various elements of the environment. As a result of the fulfilled field investigations there were found entire complexes of erosion forms within the riverside area. It is stated that because of the illegal land usage the zones accessible for visiting make approximately 55 % of the total area. The analysis of the state of the acoustic medium showed that on the whole the territory of the wildlife preserve «The Valley of the river Setun» is under unfavorable conditions. The main source of noise is motor transport traffic along MKAD (Moscow ring road), Mozhaisky, Aminjevsky, Minsky highways and Ryabinovaya street (73.87 dBA) as well as railway (74. 72 dBA). Thus the normative level can be achieved only as a result of application of noise protection measures. Realization of the considered in the article measures will allow to preserve those few places in the territory of Moscow connecting its center with the suburbs on which not only preservation of characteristic kinds of flora and fauna is possible but also their reproduction under natural conditions.

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