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Home arrow Papers arrow Shatalova K.YU. - Principles of Distribution of Water Resources of Transboundary Water Objects
Shatalova K.YU. - Principles of Distribution of Water Resources of Transboundary Water Objects PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Tuesday, 08 August 2017
Main international legal agreements and other documents defining the order of use and protection of transboundary water objects in their historical aspect are considered. There is given an analysis of the questions changing which are considered in international treaties and agreements. In the course of time they become more comprehensive both on the questions covered and on the tools used for a joint management of water resources of the transboundary basin. General modern principles of distribution of the transboundary water resources based on the generality of the states interests both of the transboundary water body and more local are described. At their use there should be applied the basin approach, i.e. the water system is considered as a whole unit for adjacent (coastal) states at preservation of their national sovereignty. It is stated that at present the international law in the field of water relations is based on the community of interests of the states of the transboundary water body. Possibilities of modern monitoring over the quantity and quality of water in transboundary water objects allow assessing their state on the constant base. Establishment of a mechanism on building scientifically substantiated, supported by calculations, transparent and fair principles, approaches and rules of water resources distribution becomes essential. The tool for realization of agreements is Joint Commissions on management of transboundary water objects created by the state-participants. The main reasons for the differences arising (over 90 %) are water division and questions of infrastructure.

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