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Home arrow Papers arrow Chernyh O.N., Volkov V.I., Altunin V.I. - Problems and Ways to Solve Issues of Shallowing of Small Water Bodies of the Moscow Region
Chernyh O.N., Volkov V.I., Altunin V.I. - Problems and Ways to Solve Issues of Shallowing of Small Water Bodies of the Moscow Region PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Thursday, 10 August 2017
There are stated basic problems and features of the processes interactions of shallowing of small water bodies. The results of field surveys of low-pressure reservoir hydro schemes in the Moscow region are generalized. There are given recommendations for improving the recreational function of water ponds in the areas of settlements. The authors recommend carrying out an inventory of wells including unauthorized ones with setting their output and total volume of takeoff in the catchment area of small water objects. According to the results of the inventory it will be possible to assess the impact of the groundwater withdrawal on the flow water content. It is noted that it is necessary to intensify the work of maintenance services of reservoirs, to actualize the problems of ownerless water bodies, to continue inspections of the GTS state of ponds and periodic measurements of water levels in the ponds for establishing the dynamics of the processes and development of specific measures allowing suspending of the water bodies shallowing, eliminating shallow stagnant zones in ponds and developing specific projects for rehabilitation of the shallow and plant-filled ponds of the Moscow region and the capital megalopolis.

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