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Home arrow Papers arrow Zagitova L.R., Mustafin R.F. - The Conditions of Water Resources Formation in Bashkortostan
Zagitova L.R., Mustafin R.F. - The Conditions of Water Resources Formation in Bashkortostan PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Thursday, 12 October 2017
The water resources of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the conditions for their formation and ways of their rational utilization have been studied. Among the factors of water resources formation in Bashkortostan, which are highlighted and characterized, are the topography, the underlying rocks, climate, soil and vegetation cover and human economic activities. It is shown that at the turn of 1960s-1970s there was the tendency to changing the quantitative characteristics of water resources, which was associated with increased water flow regulation. The results of studies led to the conclusion that deterioration of water quality in Bashkortostan is conditioned by the use of river basins for oil extraction.

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