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Home arrow Papers arrow Current requirements and recommendations for assessing the quality of groundwater, potable water in Russia and abroad
Current requirements and recommendations for assessing the quality of groundwater, potable water in Russia and abroad PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
R.J. Koldysheva 
M.S. Golitsyn, Head of sector FSUE "VSEGINGEO"

The modern world, national and domestic requirements for the quality of drinking water vary considered in number and concentration of many components.
Considered: 1) the general provisions of the problem of assessing and rating the quality of drinking water, and 2) the main features and differences of surface and underground sources of drinking water, and 3) hydrochemical province of drinking water, and 4) analysis of major regulations on international and national standards, and 5) modern requirements for assessing the quality of drinking water in Russia.


Full text in Russian (pdf, 174, 77 Kb)

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