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Hydrological data base "AS Hydra" PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Hydrological data base includes: major river basins hydrological characteristics of the Ob, Irtysh, Tobol, Nadym, Pur, Taz and other cross-sections of 130 posts Roshydromet (the length of the catchment area, distance from the mouth, forested, bogs, lake, etc);

  • long-term (over the entire period), the series of observations of the main hydrological characteristics: water levels - annual maximum, minimum summer and winter, maximum ice and first motions of ice;
  • cost of water - the maximum annual, minimum summer and winter, layers of spring flood runoff, daily water levels and discharges for specific years (with the possibility of entry of daily data for all years of observation).

The software package providing database management (rapid extraction of the required information, display or printing, recruitment, etc.).

Detail: ashydra.narod.ru

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