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Home arrow Papers arrow Efficient use of water resources and their protection from pollution - the call of modernity
Efficient use of water resources and their protection from pollution - the call of modernity PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 02 July 2012
Polad-Zade P.A.,
Academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering (Moscow)

Russia has a huge amount of renewable freshwater resources. Renewable resources of river basins of the Russian Federation is estimated at 4300 cubic meters. kilometers per year. This is the second largest in the world, after Brazil. 78% of this vast wealth is beyond the Ural Mountains - Siberia and the Far East. But even here there are problems with vodoobespechennostyo. While in Russia as a whole volume of water resources per capita - one of the highest in the world (30 thousand cubic meters per person per year), and in the north of Siberia - almost 320 thousand cubic meters, in these parts, the south-west Siberia - only 14,000, while your neighbors to the south of the Ural region, total - 4.4 thousand cubic meters.

Strategic projects of water resources in Siberia and the Arctic XXI century: conceptual thinking and the identification of the individual: summary reports of the International Scientific Conference. Volume 1

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