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Home arrow Papers arrow Burlutsky S. G, Ezersky V. V., Khakhaev I. A. - Electronic Passport as a Basis of Information Support in Automated Decision Support Systems
Burlutsky S. G, Ezersky V. V., Khakhaev I. A. - Electronic Passport as a Basis of Information Support in Automated Decision Support Systems PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
Purpose: In developing modern Decision Support Systems (DSS), there is a problem of providing information support, as the information in use greatly differs in its relevance, quality and the completeness of the description of objects and management entities. The goal of this research is modifying the view on the functional contents of Electronic Passport as the main component of automated DSS information support. Results: It is suggested to merge all the information on a particular object or subject into a meta-information structure named Electronic Passport of the management entity (subject of management). An Electronic Passport should be considered from a new position, as a complex description of an object or legal body (entity) which includes information on its current status or activity values (indexes).

This allows us to merge static (semi-constant) and foreground data about the objects under control or subjects of management in a single information space. An Electronic Passport is a dynamic meta-information structure with established logical associations between different aspects of real object or entity description. It also contains software and methodological support which allows you to form a set of key activity indexes on the basis of initial statistic data on the object or entity and to submit reports on their operation process in a real-time mode. Practical relevance: Electronic Passport as a meta-information object provides efficient solutions for monitoring, business-analysis and management problems. Moreover, these innovative Electronic Passports can be widely used to organize data warehouses for various objects and entities of all scales and purposes, from single objects (in construction, machinery or engineering) up to complex management entities: technical, social, economical, etc.

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Source: http://cyberleninka.ru/
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