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Home arrow Papers arrow Droshnev V.V., Kolovertnova M.Yu., Guseva E.P., Aganeev I.V. - World Experience of Application of Information-communication Technologies in Agrarian and Industrial Complex in Riskgenic Conditions
Droshnev V.V., Kolovertnova M.Yu., Guseva E.P., Aganeev I.V. - World Experience of Application of Information-communication Technologies in Agrarian and Industrial Complex in Riskgenic Conditions PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Friday, 08 April 2016
The reasons for the information and communication technologies (ICT) introduction in different areas of agricultural production have been determined in the article. The practical results of ITC implementation in different spheres of agricultural production of foreign countries have been considered. The possibilities of mobile ICT to efficiently collect, process and transmit information on the extent of disaster, to provide the secured and remote access to various resources, to carry out the ongoing analysis and assessment of the nature and extent of potential risks, as well as to coordinate complex measures of counteraction against unfavorable factors, to select and substantiate the insurance of various agricultural risks have been submitted.

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Source: http://cyberleninka.ru/
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