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Conversation about water and ecology PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 17 August 2010

The book covers a wide range of issues relating to many aspects: the state and water management, management of water resources, economics, law and water management, pollution, methods of protection and conservation of water bodies,  International water management experience.
Used in scientific and journalistic and public appearances of authors over the past fifteen years. The book is structured in the form of interviews, dialogues and conversations. Combining different journalistic genres: informative, analytical, artistic, journalistic.
The book is a popular science publication and designed not only to water specialists and students of water specialties, but also for a wide range of readers interested in water and water device on the planet Earth.

For purchase contact the publisher:
Federal State Unitary Enterprise RosNIIVH
620049 Ekaterinburg, Mir st., 23
Tel / Fax: (343) 374-26-79, 374-82-42.
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