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Home arrow Papers arrow Evdokimova O.YU., Mazurkin P.M. - Long-term Dynamics of the River Pollution According to the Analytical Centre of Water Quality Control
Evdokimova O.YU., Mazurkin P.M. - Long-term Dynamics of the River Pollution According to the Analytical Centre of Water Quality Control PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
The long-term dynamics of the river pollution based on laboratory analysis data of MUP "Water canal" Yoshkar-Ola are examined. General biotechnical pattern of changes in the content of hydrochemical indicators including organoleptic and chemical indicators of river water quality are revealed. A deterministic pattern and model with the wave functions in skewness wavelet-signal form are presented. The adequacy of the obtained patterns by the correlation coefficient are measured.

The patterns characterizing contaminants changes in the river water with least error are revealed by ranking values of correlation coefficients. Increased requirements for adequacy give rise to quantity reduction of components including wave terms of biotechnical patterns. The ratio of the correlation coefficient of wave dynamic equations to trend shows the advantage of the complex model structures with the wave component of vibrational perturbation as an example alkalinity of river water. An example of a comparison of the contaminant concentration in terms of magnesium and maximum permissible concentration are presented.

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Source: http://cyberleninka.ru/
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