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Home arrow Papers arrow Mamas N.N., Ryabtseva O.V., Solodovnik E.V. - The Researches in The Floodplain of the Steepe Zone of the Krasnodar Region
Mamas N.N., Ryabtseva O.V., Solodovnik E.V. - The Researches in The Floodplain of the Steepe Zone of the Krasnodar Region PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Friday, 12 May 2017
The article presents the violation of water protection zones. The change in soil fertility. Transparency is linked to the nature of the coating beaches and surface destruction. Surface runoff depends on the vegetation cover. The destruction of vegetation (deforestation, excessive grazing, fire), incorrect plowing surface (along the slope) and tillage farming without following the rules lead to increased erosion, local soil erosion, gully erosion and the rise to an increase in turbidity of rivers. Environmental effectiveness of forest plantations. Prevention of pollution and siltation of river. Improving the sanitary condition of the territory.

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