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Home arrow Papers arrow Kasperov G.I., Levkevich V.E., Mikanovich D.S. - Field Surveys of Drainage and Polder Systems Sludge Depositories' Technical State
Kasperov G.I., Levkevich V.E., Mikanovich D.S. - Field Surveys of Drainage and Polder Systems Sludge Depositories' Technical State PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Tuesday, 18 July 2017
The results of field surveys of drainage and polder systems sludge depositories' technical state are presented in the Article. The surveys were conducted within the frame of research "Examination of Sludge Depositories Enclosures Stability (in Drainage and Polder Systems) for Emergency Prevention and Damage Evaluation". Field surveys of 52 water bodies were conducted in Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Mogilev and Minsk regions. The objectives of this Fieldwork were: to determine the hydrological state of artificial water bodies for abrasion wear forecast, to collect and process the data for the evaluation of water-retaining structures state, to form and maintain the database for water-retaining structures state monitoring. To achieve Fieldwork tasks and objectives continuous visual and instrumental surveys were organized to provide adequate amount of trustworthy qualitative data. Structure and amount of surveys needed were determined by levee type and structure, geological, climate and seismic conditions, building conditions and operating requirements. Shore water-retaining structures surveys were conducted both along and perpendicular to a structure. Special attention was paid to the surveys of corners, shore and water-retaining structure junctions, places where construction works had been conducted before. Basing on the results of field surveys, experts developed the databases for monitoring of sludge depositories water-retaining structures technical state. The databases are to be updated to continuously evaluate damage of man-made emergencies. 

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