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Home arrow Papers arrow Vinogradov Yu.B., Vinogradova T.A., Zhuravlev S.A., Zhuravleva A.D. - Runoff Modeling for Ungauged Catchments: A Case Study in Yamal Peninsula, Russia
Vinogradov Yu.B., Vinogradova T.A., Zhuravlev S.A., Zhuravleva A.D. - Runoff Modeling for Ungauged Catchments: A Case Study in Yamal Peninsula, Russia PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Tuesday, 29 August 2017
Modern hydrological models provide an opportunity for obtaining the flow characteristics in complex hydrological conditions, including the scarce data areas. The report presents the results of adaptation and realization of the Hydrograph model developed at the State Hydrological Institute under the direction of Vinogradov Yu. B. for Yamal river basins. Some runoff modeling aspects of specific conditions of Yamal tundra landscapes were considered. Runoff formation processes simulation at several basins allowed to test and refine a number of values defining parameters of the Hydrograph model. The values of the refined parameters were used later in the runoff hydrograph simulation for ungauged river basins.

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