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Home arrow Papers arrow Borodychev V.V., Dedova E.B., Sazanov M.A., Lytov M.N. - Simulation of Soils Aqueous-Salt Regime Control at Irrigation Conditions
Borodychev V.V., Dedova E.B., Sazanov M.A., Lytov M.N. - Simulation of Soils Aqueous-Salt Regime Control at Irrigation Conditions PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Friday, 22 September 2017
On the basis of carried out researches the theoretical substantiation was made and the conceptual model was offered, the distinctive features of which are: the possibility of the whole functions complex for planning irrigation regime aimed at the complete satisfaction of plants needs in moisture and achievement of environmentally safe level of salinity of the soil root layer, and including the development of predictive software, the formation of a correcting prognosis of needs leaching at any time to carry out assessment of the forecast realization possibility, drafting of operational current plans, the analysis of the necessity of regular watering, using retrospective data; the possibility of using, as an alter-native to the calculation method of retrospective agrometeorological information, data of direct measurements within the borders of irrigated land with the help of modern automated instrumental-measuring systems and their applications for the adaptation of calculated models of water-salt regime forecasting taking into account the natural characteristics of the region and irrigated agricultural landscapes; the forecasting and retrospective calculations accuracy improvement, by using multi-parameter models to determine the total water consumption based on actual weather data for the past period, and simple one-parameter models based on forecast weather data, to a large extent, having uncertain, possible character.

Presented conceptual model for managing soil water-salt regime allows to evaluate the need for vegetation irrigations, taking into account evapotranspiration, aimed at creating a leaching regime for soil root layer desalination (desalination); to determine the probable date of the next irrigation; to compose watering schedules and to develop water management plans for the short, medium, long terms. The algorithm preserves the possibility of applying different models for determining evapotranspiration forecasting and retrospective calculations, and also provides optimal conditions for the formation of optimal water-salt regime of irrigated lands.

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