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Home arrow Papers arrow Borodychev V.V., Lytov M.N., Ovchinnikov A.S., Bocharnikov V.S. - Optimum Control of Watering on the Basis of Modern Computing Algorithms
Borodychev V.V., Lytov M.N., Ovchinnikov A.S., Bocharnikov V.S. - Optimum Control of Watering on the Basis of Modern Computing Algorithms PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Friday, 22 September 2017
The purpose of researches - improvement of quality of information support of problems of management by water mode of the soil at irrigation of crops with possibility of use of modern decisions in the field of the automated monitoring of water mode of the soil of irrigated lands. As a result of the carried-out researches the modern model of optimum control by water mode of the soil in the conditions of the irrigation which use allows to estimate need of carrying out the next vegetative watering, probable date of the following watering is offered, to make schedules of watering and to develop the plan of water use on short, so-so and long-term the periods. Unlike known decisions the offered model provides possibility of determination of current state of humidity of the soil in two ways: settlement and by means of hardware and measuring complex. Feature of the offered model is use of different settlement methods for evapotranspiration definition at carrying out look-ahead and retrospective calculations. Increase of accuracy of look-ahead and retrospective calculations of evapotranspiration is reached at the expense of use of multiple parameter models at introduction of the actual meteorological data for expired period (the settlement retrospective block) and simple, one-parametrical models of definition of total water consumption of crops when using look-ahead meteodata, considerably uncertain, likelihood character.

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