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Home arrow Papers arrow Kulikova A.V., Gorbunov O.V., Koniysheva E.N. - Ecological Characteristics of the Hydrochemical Quality of the Catchment Area of Lake Onega and the Flows Management
Kulikova A.V., Gorbunov O.V., Koniysheva E.N. - Ecological Characteristics of the Hydrochemical Quality of the Catchment Area of Lake Onega and the Flows Management PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
The study of pollution of Onega lake springs, located on the northwestern shores of its bays. The analysis of the pollutants discharged with wastewaters into the surface waters of lake Onega. Applied methods to assess anthropogenic impacts on lake Onega. The results of our work was to identify the factors of negative influence of waste water (such as oil dumping through the sewage system; wastewater enterprises of the cities of Kondopoga and Petrozavodsk; insufficiently treated sewage) to the waters of the lake.

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