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Home arrow Papers arrow Shebzukhova T.A., Vartumyan A.A., Shtapova I.S., Medyanik N.V., Zhukovskaya N.P. - Current State and Problems of Development of the Water Management in the South of Russia
Shebzukhova T.A., Vartumyan A.A., Shtapova I.S., Medyanik N.V., Zhukovskaya N.P. - Current State and Problems of Development of the Water Management in the South of Russia PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Friday, 10 November 2017
Aim. The aim is to give a current and retrospective assessment of the state of water resources in the South of Russia and identify key problems in their use. Methods. Based on the analysis of dynamic and territorial series of data presented in government reports and the Central Statistical Database of the Federal State Statistics Service, we conducted diagnostic studies of the current and dynamic state of water resources use in the sub-federal units of the Russian Federation. Findings. The key problems in the functioning of the water sector in the southern regions are: natural water scarcity, large-scale transfers and artificial regulation of the river flows, significant loss of water during transport, large-scale discharge of contaminated sewage and poor quality of water. A significant interregional asymmetry in the water sector of the South of Russia is being tested. Conclusions. The key water-related contradiction in the South of the Russian Federation lies in the high water intensity of the meta-regional economy due to agricultural specialization, limited opportunities for the use of circulating systems, as well as significant losses of water during transportation in conditions of naturally caused scarcity and poor quality of potable waters.

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