Abduev M.A. - Amending the Runoff Suspended Sediment and Turbidity of the Mountain Rivers of Azerbaijan under the Influence of Economic Activity |
Written by Erkin Turdibaev
Tuesday, 24 May 2016 |
Based on the data network of hydrometric observations over many years evaluated the impact of economic activity on the stock of suspended sediment and turbidity of the mountain rivers of Azerbaijan by three methods: the method of comparison, the method of dependency analysis Rg = f ((g) method, total integral curves ZRg = f (T). The dependence of the annual flow of suspended sediment from the water flow in vivo and in violation of the of the form : Rg = aQg b. Revealed that the values of the parameters "a" and "b" are most changeable in violation of the runoff.
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Source: http://cyberleninka.ru/