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Home arrow Papers arrow Sozaev A.A., Kurbanov S.O., Volosuhin V.A. - Effective Design and Technological Solutions for Management and Protection of Channel Type Water Intake Buildings in the Special Conditions of the North in the Gulf of Obskaya bay Area
Sozaev A.A., Kurbanov S.O., Volosuhin V.A. - Effective Design and Technological Solutions for Management and Protection of Channel Type Water Intake Buildings in the Special Conditions of the North in the Gulf of Obskaya bay Area PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Thursday, 07 September 2017
The article focuses on current issue of improving the reliability of water intake buildings in the Far North. We have given special operating conditions of these structures, particularly ice drift, shore ice piles, windrowing ice fields and erosion of the bottom of the moving ice field with keel protrusion. We have described physiographic, structural and morphological conditions of the construction site, generalized information on the parameters ice drift during an ice moving in the waters of the Gulf of Ob in Salmanovskaye deposit area. For these conditions, we have accepted to make water intake structure with recessed filtering part and given idea about their ice protection and proposed an effective design of protective constructions for all possible effects of ice hummocks. 

We have also given a description of bases of technology of construction works the rationale for the design parameters of facilities. In view of the possible load, two rows of closed pile foundations are provided for the protection of water receivers consisting of bored piles and channel filtering grillage. In the first row, near to the water receivers we have provided metallic, lattice constructions from metal profile pipes laid on the top of water receivers on the grillage. The second row of protective structures around water receivers was designed as a halfly in-depth monolithic reinforced concrete grillage of rectangular cross-section form with an ice pick from a metal corner rental rendered monolithic on the outside perimeter of the grillage. Concrete grating are designed also to protect the gravity pipelines along the borders. Rectangular grillages interconnected with cross bar bonds witch are also made of reinforced concrete. The proposed technical solutions provide reliable protection against possible water intake facilities including dynamic effects from windrowing ice fields in the Far North. Options include new constructions of underground horizontal and channel filter water intake structures that could be effectively used in such conditions.

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