Eyubova F.A. - The Investigation of Long-term Changes of Hydrological Regime and of Runoff of Suspended Loads of the Rivers of North-eastern Slope of Greater Caucasus (within of Azerbaijan Republic) |
Written by Erkin Turdibaev
Tuesday, 05 September 2017 |
Long-term changes of hydrological regime and of runoff of suspended loads of the rivers of north-eastern slope of Greater Caucasus have been considered based on statistical of long-term observations data. For this purpose normed difference integral curves of modular coefficients of annual runoff of suspended loads and water for water gauging stations with a relatively long-term of observations have been built and analyzed. As a result of calculation of main flow characteristics averaged by periods of five years (annual mean: of runoff of water and suspended loads; turbidity and modulus of suspended loads runoff) their considerable change has been revealed. The quantities of the coefficient variation of the annual runoff of suspended loads (СVR) and water (CVQ) has been estimated and analyzed. The changeability of the annual runoff of suspended loads in comparison with rivers for long-term period is investigated.