Water resources and water sector in Russia in 2008. Statistics digest/ edited by N.G.Rybalskiy and A.D.Dumnoy – M.: NIA-Priroda, 2009 
Given statistics digest is a third analog publication prepared by NIA-Priroda upon request of the Federal Water Agency. Similar publications were issued in 2006-2008. This digest updates data on water use and protection. It also includes the updated and more precise indicators of water-related activity in Russia as a whole, for regions of the Federation, in spatial dimension, for river basins and seas, economic sectors, etc. Besides, the digest contains a number of indicators reflecting expenditures and financing of the Federal Water Agency, other ministries and agencies, as well as other indicators. The international statistical comparisons in area of water use and protection, including macroeconomic assessments of water-holding capacity. There are sections on inland and marine transport, housing and communal services, sanitary conditions of water bodies and water-supply systems. The digest contains dynamical data, as well as information for separate years and periods. This publication is intended for experts working in the water sector and on water protection, nature use, environmental protection, environmental security and other socio-economic areas. The digest can be used by managers, manufacturers, research and social organizations, education institutes, etc.
The statistics digest is prepared by the National Information Agency “Natural Resources” (N.G.Rybalskiy, V.A.Omelianenko, A.D.Dumnov, A.R.Barsov, N.A.Doronitchev, N.A.Miroshnitchenko, Ye.V.Muravieva, Ye.D.Samotesov, I.V.Nikolayev, with the support of the Institute for Global Climate and Ecology at Rosgidromet and RAN – Russian Academy of Sciences (S.L.Pugatch).
For more details, please, see: www.priroda.ru