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Home arrow Papers arrow Gareev А.М., Zaytsev P.N., Komissarov A.V. - Some Features of the Variability of Maximum Water Flows of Spring Flood, Depending on the Influence of Flow-forming Factors (on Example of River Basins of the Bashkir Part of the Urals Region)
Gareev А.М., Zaytsev P.N., Komissarov A.V. - Some Features of the Variability of Maximum Water Flows of Spring Flood, Depending on the Influence of Flow-forming Factors (on Example of River Basins of the Bashkir Part of the Urals Region) PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Thursday, 28 September 2017
Due to significant change in the quantitative characteristics of the river flow in recent decades, as well as insufficient development of methodological and theoretical framework of the study of the formation of the maximum flow the spring flood of small and medium-sized rivers, it is important to carry out complex and detailed study of the factors and conditions that affect their formation. Study of peculiarities of runoff peaks become particularly important due to the increasing incidence of catastrophic floods in the Russian Federation. In this regard, there is an urgent need for a full-scale study of the effect flow-forming factorsinfluencing the formation and variability of maximum flows of rivers, with the possibility of the forward-looking assessments to advance estimates of their values. This will reduce the incidence of adverse economic, economic and environmental impact of water during the spring floods. For the purpose of detailed analysis of the maximum water flow from major spring flood flow-forming factors within the study area were identified 15 basins of small and medium-sized rivers. It should be noted that the location of the meteorological stations to these river basins are not tied. Accordingly, we have been carried out spatial interpolation of each factor on the 14 weather stations. Regarding each of the basins were identified gravitating points, typical values of which are determined by means of the correlation analysis between the estimated factors. Subsequently, the center of the basin were determined weighted averages, which were used for the construction of models, reflecting the dependence of maximum water discharge from flow-forming factors. In accordance with the above, in the article the methodical positions projected runoff peaks of spring floods for small and medium-sized rivers within the Bashkir Pre-Urals. From a large set of factors flow-forming selected basic: Autumn moisture reserves in soils, water reserves in the snow cover, the depth of freezing soil and intensity of the growth of positive temperatures during the spring snowmelt. On the basis of correlation and regression analysis revealed features of the influence of these factors on the formation of the maximum water flow during the spring flood.

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